Lyric Personhood
On the Aesthetics of Being Someone in the West
Lyric Personhood
On the Aesthetics of Being Someone in the West
232 pages | 13 halftones, 4 line drawings, 1 tables | 6 x 9
Opera Lab: Explorations in History, Technology, and Performance
Music: General Music
Philosophy: Aesthetics
Table of Contents
Introduction. Self-Evident
One. Three Speeches Delivered by Colin Firth
Two. White Love: Romantic Comedy, the ’90s, and Genre in the Background
One. Three Speeches Delivered by Colin Firth
Two. White Love: Romantic Comedy, the ’90s, and Genre in the Background
Three Punch Lines (What’s Comedy Doing in Romantic Comedy?)
Musical Montage, or Heterosexual Aesthetics
Revelations of Form: A Reading of You’ve Got Mail
Three. Metarhythms of the Addict: Tannhäuser in the Compulsion Archive Musical Montage, or Heterosexual Aesthetics
Revelations of Form: A Reading of You’ve Got Mail
Get Better
Two Concepts of Tragedy
Addiction and the Event of Thought
Silence and World
Two Concepts of Tragedy
Addiction and the Event of Thought
Silence and World
Coda: Audiovisual Aesthetics and the Problem of the Whole
Four. The Soundtrack Is So Cliché: Ambient Westernness After 9/11 Zooming Out, Fading In
USA, the Backstage Musical: The West Wing
Event Without Content: The Happening
Personhood and the Cliché: Non-Stop
Race After the “Postracial” Terrorist Film
Hold Music, General Forms, and the Lyric Ordinary: Kajillionaire
Epilogue. Where Nothing HappensUSA, the Backstage Musical: The West Wing
Event Without Content: The Happening
Personhood and the Cliché: Non-Stop
Race After the “Postracial” Terrorist Film
Hold Music, General Forms, and the Lyric Ordinary: Kajillionaire
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