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Nietzsche Pursued

Toward a Philosophy for the Future

An ambitious venture into Nietzsche’s envisioned philosophy for the future.
Nietzsche advocated for a post-theistic “philosophy of the future”—a new approach to human reality that would bend Western thought away from nihilism in a life-affirming, value-creative direction. His early demise left this endeavor only just begun. In Nietzsche Pursued, Richard Schacht examines Nietzsche’s revisionist approach to familiar philosophical topics, exploring how some may be further pursued in Nietzschean ways.

Each chapter focuses on one topic that is central to Nietzsche's vision of what philosophy can and should be and do. Among them: his kind of naturalism, humanity, perspectivism, morality, and music. Building on his analysis in Nietzsche’s Kind of Philosophy, Schacht invites readers to see with new appreciation the ongoing significance of Nietzsche’s thought for philosophy’s future.

376 pages | 6 x 9 | © 2024

History: History of Ideas

Philosophy: Ethics, General Philosophy, Philosophy of Society, Political Philosophy


"Schacht teases out how Nietzsche's glimmering, widely strewn hints about a philosophy of the future might actually implicate a more subtle 'middle way' than the blinkered, mutually exclusive options fashionable today. Drawing on a long career spent studying Nietzsche's manifold writings, Schacht announces the arrival of a Nietzschean philosopher who would be post-moralistic, post-metaphysical, and post-political, yet still have much to say to post-modernists and post-structuralists, who persists in seeing him as one of their own (despite the differences on display here). A stimulating read, this book would make an ideal text for an upper-level seminar. Sure to become a critical touchstone."


“Schacht’s long-standing and important thesis concerning Nietzsche’s naturalism is brought to fruition in this book. Nietzsche Pursued offers an invaluable, enriching, and superbly argued sequence of engagements with this extremely important thinker. This is an outstanding and original contribution to the field of Nietzsche studies by one of its most notable scholars.”

Peter R. Sedgwick, Cardiff University

“The future of humanity is Nietzsche’s central concern. Nietzsche Pursued addresses current debates in innovative and inspiring ways, proposing nuanced solutions beyond established dichotomies such as moralism versus nihilism, essentialism versus perspectivism, and naturalism versus humanism. Schacht’s artful way of making sense of Nietzsche draws on a life’s work of exceptional scholarship and walks a virtuous tightrope between false alternatives.”

Helmut Heit, director of the Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche, Weimar

Table of Contents

Reference Key

1. Toward a Post-Scientistic Naturalism: Naturalizing without Dehumanizing
2. Toward a Post-Essentialist Philosophical Anthropology: Nietzsche’s Way with the Human
3. Toward a Post-Subjectivist Perspectivism: Nietzsche and the Perspectival
4. Toward a Post-Moralist Moral Philosophy: A Nietzschean Naturalizing of the Moral
5. Toward a Post-Political Political Philosophy: Reconceiving the Political
6. Toward a Post-Metaphysical Metaphysics? On “Will to Power”—and More
7. Toward a Post-Romantic Reckoning with Music: Music as Muse

8. Nietzsche and Science: A Cautionary Tale
9. Renderings and Takings: From “Wissenschaft” to “Übermensch

Backstory and Acknowledgments
Bibliography of Related Nietzsche Studies

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