Rethinking Therapeutic Culture
Rethinking Therapeutic Culture
288 pages | 6 x 9 | © 2015
History: American History, History of Ideas
Psychology: General Psychology
Table of Contents
Tim Aubry and Trysh Travis, Introduction
What is “therapeutic culture,” and why do we need to “rethink” it?
1 Joseph M. Gabriel, Damage
Until the middle of the nineteenth century, Americans were inured to suffering. Maybe we have something to learn from them.
2 Kathryn Lofton, Gospel
If Christian ministers and secular therapists now sound strangely alike, it’s because they have been imitating each other for over a century.
3 Courtney Bender, Spirit
Spiritual gurus and critics of therapeutic culture both view the world as an inescapable cage. As a result, their visions of freedom both rely on some form of magic.
4 Gabriel Mendes, Race
An underground Harlem clinic could have radicalized the practice of therapy in the 1950s—if only more people had paid attention.
5 Rebecca Jo Plant, Motherhood
As they warned women about the perils of maternal overinvolvement, midcentury psychological experts inadvertently helped to pave the way for second-wave feminism.
6 Badia Ahad, Confessions
Cautionary tales about taboo sexual behaviors offered in a black confessional magazine gave readers from outside the white middle class access to therapeutic culture—and a sense of sexual selfhood.
7 Michael Staub, Radical
Although the radical therapists of the 1960s failed to make therapy into a revolutionary tool, they did succeed at transforming their own profession.
8 Elizabeth Lunbeck, Narcissism
The narcissism that worries social critics so much bears little resemblance to the one that interests psychoanalysts. Why is that?
9 Beryl Satter, The Left
How did the “discharge” of negative emotions become a substitute for structural critique?
10 David Herzberg, Pills
Psychotropic drug users are political actors too.
11 Stevan Weine, Testimony
What happens—and who benefits—when trauma victims are encouraged to tell their stories?
12 Tanya Erzen, Heart
Christian “heart-change” rehabilitation is challenging punishment in the American penal system, and its therapeutic dimensions confound critics on the right and the left.
13 Elizabeth Spelman, Privacy
In order to shield their actions from public scrutiny, corporations depend upon protections of privacy that individual citizens have come to disdain.
14 Suzanne Bost, Pain
Rather than trying to eliminate pain, some modern therapeutic practices invite us to experience the body’s contingency and permeability.
15 Michael Sayeau, Blogging
Blogging is a new form of democratic, crowd-sourced therapy. But it works the way therapy always has: by bringing individuals’ private thoughts to the attention of strangers.
16 Philip Cushman, Practice
A therapist works through—and with—the critique of therapeutic culture.
Jackson Lears, Afterword
One of the therapeutic culture’s most persuasive critics considers the historical category anew.
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