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Table of Contents


Kären Wigen

Part I. Mapping Practices before the Nation-State
1. Ambiguous Territories: Mapping Siberia in the Era of Peter the Great
Valerie Kivelson
2. From People to Territory: (The Chinggisid) Sovereignty Transformed?
Lhamsuren Munkh-Erdene
3. Maps for Failed States
Peter K. Bol
4. On the Ottoman Arguments during the Congress of Karlowitz (1699)
Ali Yaycıoğlu

Part II. Pushing Back against the Sovereign Map
5. Territorial Challenges at Interstate Borders: Where and How History Matters
Alexander B. Murphy and Cy Abbott
6.  Reconceptualizing the State and Its Alternatives: Ideas, Infrastructures, Representations
Jordan Branch
7. Voluminous, Scattered, Distorted: On the Limits of Cartographic Representations
Franck Billé

Part III. From Critique to Counter-Cartography
8. Indigenous Sovereignty Out of Time
Barbara E. Mundy
9. Erasing the Other: Maps, Bordering, and Political Power
Guntram Herb
10. Visualizing Shared Dominion in the Holy Roman Empire: Dilution, Orientation, Oscillation
Luca Scholz

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