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Table of Contents

Foreword by McKeel Hagerty
Preamble – Before 1900
1900 – 1914 Before the First World War
The First Concours d’Elegance a la française at Dinard in 1921 and how it evolved over the years
The manufacturers
The coachbuilders
The haute couture houses
Concours d’élégance à la française during the 1920s
Concours d’Elegence at its peak during the 1930s
Concours d’Elegence in Europe – Turin, Sinaia, Villa d’Este
Reviving Concours post-WWII, and its disappearance
History of Pebble Beach
Hillsborough, Bagatelle, and the revival of Villa d’Este
Concours in America (Amelia Island, Radnor Hunt, etc)
Concours in Rest of World
Differentiating between Concours d’Etat & d’Elegance
The future – what can we anticipate?

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