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Distributed for Museum Tusculanum Press

Internal Reconstruction in Indo-European

Methods, Results, and Problems

The articles in the book discuss the perspectives as well as the problems related to the method of internal reconstruction. It thus offers a rich overview of one of the most important fields in historical linguistics today. The authors, renowned scholars in the field, are united in the ambition to shed light on the possibility to uncover the older stages of the history of a language through algebraic analysis and without the comparison to other languages. The collection of articles shows the strength of this technique concerning a range of classical problem fields within each Indo-European language and language group (Greek, Latin, Germanic, Old Irish, Tokharian), and also in the analysis of the Indo-European proto-language. Among other things the articles discuss the possibility of observing similarities with other language families.

268 pages | 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 | © 2008

Copenhagen Studies in Indo-European

Language and Linguistics: General Language and Linguistics

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Table of Contents

Prefatory Note

The Old Indic cvi construction, the Caland system, and the PIE adjective
      Irene Balles
Residues as an aid in Internal Reconstruction
      Brigitte L. M. Bauer
On the expression of spatio-temporal locations in Late Proto-Indo-European
      Vit Bubenik
Reconsidering the system: verbal categorization and the coding of valency in Tocharian
      Gerd Carling
On the etymology of Latin optumus / optimus and the reflex of PIE *H2o-
      Paul S. Cohen
Genitive and adjective—primary parts of the Proto-Indo-European language-system?
      Sabine Häusler
Tmesis and anastrophe: the beginnings of configuration in Indo-European languages
      John Hewson
Zur Rekonstruktion des urindogermanischen Konjunktivs zu athematischen Verbalstämmen (vorläufige Mitteilung)
      Eugen Hill
Internal reconstruction vs. external comparison: the case of the Indo-Uralic laryngeals
      Adam Hyllested
*-bhi, *-bhis, *-ois: following the trail fo the PIE instrumental plural
      Jay Jasanoff
The Indo-European aspect-tense system and quantitiative ablaut
      Konstantin G. Krasukhin
The range of Tocharian a-umlaut
      Martin Joachim Kümmel
On the historical morphology of the Old Irish verb téit "goes"
      Natalia Nikolaeva
How many noun suffixes did Proto-Indo-European have?
      Birgit Anette Olsen
The Indo-European long-vowel preterite: new Latin evidence
      Moss Pike
Di semantische Rekonstruktion von Wortbildungssystemen (am Beispiel von Verbalabstrakta im Germanischen)
      Natalia B. Pimenova
Proto-Indo-European ablaut and root inflection: an internal reconstruction and inner-PIE morphological analysis
      Roland A. Pooth
Internal resconstruction applied to Indo-European: where do we stand?
      Jens Elmegård Rasmussen

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