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Distributed for Warburg Institute

Medieval Arabic Thought: Essays in Honour of Fritz Zimmermann

CONTENTS Preface Galen and al-Razi on time / Peter Adamson The ?ikam or aphorisms of al-Ghazali: some examples / M. Afifi al-Akiti Some Syriac pseudo-platonic curiosities / Sebastian Brock Al-Ja?i? on A??ab al-Jahalat and the Jahmiyya / Patricia Crone Jawhar and Dhat in some medieval Arabic philosophers (or, on ’Dhis and Dhat’) / Julian Faultless Le scepticisme et sa réfutation selon al-Mala?imi / Charles Genequand Mediating the medium: the Arabic Plotinus on vision / Rotraud Hansberger Shi’i views of the death of the Prophet Mu?ammad / Etan Kohlberg Na?ir al-Din al-?usi’s exposition of mayl / Y. Tzvi Langermann ?Isa ibn ?Umayr’s Iba?i theology and Donatist Christian thought / Wilferd Madelung The absurdaties of infinite time: Shahrastani’s critique of Ibn Sina and ?usi’s defence / Goby Mayer The Islamic literature on encounters between Muslim renunciants and Christiam monks / Christopher Melchert The development of translation techniques from Greek into Syriac and Arabic: the case of Galen’s On the faculties and powers of simple drugs, book six / Peter E. Pormann The working files of Rhazes: are the Jami? and the ?awi identical? / Emilie Savage-Smith Waiting for Philoponus / Richard Sorabji [Greek title] / Manfred Ullman On coincidence: the twenty-seventh and twenty-eight nights of al-Taw?idi’s al-Imta? wa-l-mu’anasa. An annotated translation / Geert Jan van Gelder Fragments of the hitherto lost Arabic translations of Galen’s On my own opinions in the philosophy reader MS Oxford, Bodleian Library, Oriental Collections, Marsh 539 / Elvira Wakelnig A list of publications of Fritz Zimmermann Index of proper names.

247 pages | © 2012

Warburg Institute Studies & Texts

History: History of Ideas

Philosophy: General Philosophy

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Table of Contents

Foreword I . The Aldine Press after Aldus (1515–1598) From the Printer’s Mind to the Author’s Hand: Paolo Manuzio and His Tre libri di lettere volgari (1556–1560) by Lodovica Braida Strategies and Failure

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