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Rudolf II

The Life and Legend of the Mad Emperor

Distributed for Reaktion Books

Rudolf II

The Life and Legend of the Mad Emperor

A reinterpretation of the Habsburgian ruler’s reign as exemplary rather than reclusive.
Rudolf II offers a fresh perspective on the Habsburg ruler, shedding new light on a reign often colored by myths of madness. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann argues that, contrary to popular belief, Rudolf was not a passive recluse but an engaged monarch, navigating the complexities of state affairs with a moderate hand amid turbulent times. By contextualizing Rudolf’s interests in astrology, alchemy, and magic, this book offers new insights into the emperor’s support for scientific endeavors and his quest for power. Kaufmann also demonstrates that Rudolf’s assembling of the greatest Kunstkammer and painting collection of his time and his patronage of artists were essential elements of Renaissance rulership.

288 pages | 50 color plates, 9 halftones | 5.43 x 8.5 | © 2025

Renaissance Lives

Biography and Letters

History: European History

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“Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann convincingly strips away the calumnious legends of the mad emperor. His marvelous, contextualized portrait of Rudolf II reveals a complex personality grappling with political and religious upheavals.”

Jeffrey Chipps Smith, professor emeritus of art history, The University of Texas at Austin, and author of Kunstkammer

"Ostrich eggs, narwhal tusks, automatons, fabulous art treasures, fantastic scientific instruments, the wizard John Dee and the astronomer Johannes Kepler – this the world of Rudolf II, and Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann gives us as many gems in describing Rudolf’s reign as adorned the extravagant crown that the emperor designed. He shows how Rudolf’s patronage of the arts, and the motifs in the paintings which he commissioned, amplified the mystique and magnificence of monarchy, and he portrays Rudolf as a master of the middle way in politics and religion."

Martyn Rady, author of 'The Middle Kingdoms: A New History of Central Europe'

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