Staging Relations in French Since 1500 - A Festschrift in Honour of C.E. J. Caldicott
Distributed for University College Dublin Press
Staging Relations in French Since 1500 - A Festschrift in Honour of C.E. J. Caldicott
A Festschrift to celebrate the contribution to French studies of Rick Caldicott, Professor Emeritus of French at University College Dublin. Caldicott is best known for his work on the seventeenth century, especially theatre, but his other interests such as twentieth-century literature are also included in this warm tribute from a large number of scholars of French working in Ireland and abroad. The book is arranged in five sections: the French stage; Theatricality in the text; Staging politics and ideas in writing; Representing ’other’ cultures; and, Foregrounding Franco-Irish relations.
432 pages | © 2008
Literature and Literary Criticism:

Table of Contents
THE FRENCH STAGE - Psyche - The stakes of a collaboration, John Powell L’Impromptu de Versailles - Image du theatre molieresque, Robert McBride Les amours du roi-poete - Corneille, le sujet biblique et l’apologie du theatre, Claude Bourqui and Barbara Selmeci ’On humanise toujours trop les heros de tragedie’, Henry Phillips L’autre aristotelicien - Heroine et soteria dans le theatre de Moliere, Angela Ryan Du Theatre des Grecs au Theatre des Anglois - Un theatre peut en cacher un autre, Michael O’Dea De Lope a Racine - Neron comedien, Jean-Louis Backes Moratin et Moliere - La Comedia nueva, Suzanne Guellouz Moliere est-il traduisible? Le cas des traductions arabes du Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Azzedine Guellouz Cixous and Racine, Mairead Hanrahan Samuel Beckett - no English need apply, Joseph Long Unmaking mimesis - Yasmina Reza’s Art, Noel Peacock. THEATRICALITY IN THE TEXT - The theatrical tropism of Valery’s ’La soiree avec Monsieur Teste’, Mary Gallagher Behind the mask - being, performance and form in Quatre Voyageurs, Emer O’Beirne Poupee Blonde de Patrick Modiano - un onirisme theatral et auto-ironisant, Dervila Cooke Beyond representation - Narrative as verbal event in Bernard Noel’s La Langue d’Anna, Michael Brophy Gotham Handbook de Sophie Calle - vie et mort d’une identite hybride, Johnnie Gratton. STAGING POLITICS AND IDEAS IN WRITING - Rabelais’s laughter - a political manifesto? Jean-Michel Picard Ekphrasis, edification, and the iconography of women - the case of Pierre Le Moyne’s Gallerie des femmes fortes (1647), Derval Conroy Madeleine-Angelique de Gomez (1684-1770) - historiographer of women, Severine Genieys-Kirk Disguise as self-defence - the veiling of true identity by the early modern female novelist, Siofra Pierse Books and scholarship in the correspondence of Charles Drelincourt, Jane McKee Language and Napoleonic politics - the affair of the dictionary of the Academie Francaise, 1793-1805, Hugh Gough Causerie, conversation et litterature - le sort du salon, Barbara Wright Letters on (post-) humanism - philosophy and allegorical fiction in the 1940s and 1990s (Blanchot, Camus, Houellebecq and Sloterdijk), Douglas Smith Tout voir en theatre, Louis Van Delft. REPRESENTING ’OTHER’ CULTURES - Trahison and the native - Flacourt’s Histoire de la Grande Isle Madagascar (1658), Michael Harrigan Religion and ethnography in the early Enlightenment - the native American in Lahontan and Lafitau, David Denby Language, travel and cultural history - Jouvin de Rochefort’s ’Petits dialogues’ (1672-6), Jane Conroy FOREGROUNDING FRANCO-IRISH RELATIONS - Representing Ireland through imperial eyes - a Huguenot recruitment document in 1681, Ruth Whelan Cosmopolitanism in action - Voltaire’s influence on Goldsmith in The Citizen of the World, Graham Gargett. Georges Dor (1931-2001) - poete et chansonnier, Padraig O Gormaile Une certaine idee de l’Irlande, or the professor as propagandist - Roger Chauvire’s Irish fictions, Phyllis Gaffney Index.
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