Racine: The Power and the Pleasure
The Power and the Pleasure
Distributed for University College Dublin Press
Racine: The Power and the Pleasure
The Power and the Pleasure
Essays in English by French, Irish and German academics, which explore the relevance and interest of the tragic theatre today of the French dramatist, Jean Racine (1639-99).
264 pages
Literature and Literary Criticism:

Table of Contents
The Racinian hero and the classical theory of characterization, Georges Forestier Racine’s use of maxims, Jean-Louis Backes women and power in "Britannicus" and "Berenice" - the battle of blood and tears, Christian Biet gender, power and authority in "Alexandre le Grand" and "Athalie", Derval Conroy constructions of identity - mirrors of the "Other" in Racine’s theatre, Jane Conroy Racine’s "Jacobite" plays - the politics of the Bible, Edric Caldicott les freres ennemis - Racine, Moliere, and "la querelle du theatre", Robert McBride Voltaire, women and reception - Racine in the 18th century, Marc Serge Riviere pleasure in Racine, Louis van Delft the magic and pleasure of "Berenice" today, Jean-Michel Delacomptee Esther - prototype of an oratorio? The collaboration of Racine and Jean-Baptiste Moreau, Susanne Hartwig and Berthold Warnecke Moreau as teacher - the impact of his vocation on the composition of "Esther", Grainne Gormley Racine and the three vanities, Alain Viala.
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